iStock Stock Image of a Construction Worker drinking bottled water in the heat with buildings in the background

10 Tips for Working in the Heat

Jul 14, 2024 | Safety | 0 comments

Written by: Terry Obrecht

As we begin entering the hot months of summer, here are 10 tips for working in the heat.

Hot Weather Safety Tips for Summer:

Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of fluids; drink about 16 ounces before starting and 5 to 7 ounces every 15 or 20 minutes.

Avoid Dehydrating Liquids:

Alcohol, coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks can hurt more than help.

Wear Protective Clothing:

Lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothing helps protect against heat. Change clothing if it gets completely saturated.

Pace Yourself:

Slow down and work at an even pace. Know your limits and ability to work safely in heat.

Schedule Frequent Breaks:

Take time for rest periods and water breaks in a shaded or air-conditioned area.

Use a Damp Rag:

Wipe your face or put it around your neck.

Avoid Getting Sunburn:

Use sunscreen and wear a hat if working outside.

Be Alert to Signs of Heat-Related Illness:

Know what to look for and check on other workers who might be at high risk.

Avoid Direct Sun:

Find shade or block out the sun if possible.

Eat Smaller Meals:

Eat fruits high in fiber and natural juice. Avoid high-protein foods.

A special thanks to everyone who does hot work in the hot weather.

Click Here to watch more safety reminders from the Maryland State Highway Administration.