June is National Safety Month and we are prioritizing safety by observing this important initiative created by the National Safety Council. The goal of National Safety Month is to increase public awareness of the leading safety and health risks and decrease the number...
National Work Zone Awareness Week was April 17-21 this year and less than 1 month after the tragic death of six workers at the I-695 TSMO site in Baltimore County on March 22. The Maryland I-695 crash was determined to be one of the deadliest road construction...
Written by: Teddy Obrecht This year marks the 23rd anniversary of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) which runs from April 17th – April 21st this year. This annual spring campaign is held at the start of each construction season and encourages safe...
Written by: Megan B. Owings March 5-11, 2023, was “WIC Week™,” or “Women in Construction Week™,” which celebrates and promotes the role of women in the construction industry. NAWIC held the first WIC Week in 1998, and it has grown and expanded each year since. This...